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 No.     Year   Activity Client
1. 2005 Study "Impact of EU Emission Trading Scheme on power prices in Poland" Natsource LLC USA
2. 2004 Study "Energy Policy for the city Warsaw up to 2020" Municipality Warsaw
3. 2004 Feasibilitystudy for the project "Modernization of heating system in Bartoszyce including renewable energy sources (biomass)" County Bartoszyce
4. 2004 Energy audit of the heating plant and of the heated buildings in Bartoszyce including renewable energy sources (biomass)" County Bartoszyce
5. 2004 Feasibility study for the project "Modernization of heating plant with heating network in Kluczewo district including renewable energy sources (biomass)" Municipality Stargard Szczeciński
6. 2004 Feasibility study for the project "Modernization of heating system in Zalewo including renewable energy sources (biomass)" Municipality Zalewo
7. 2004 Preparation and procurement of two 2-days workshops "Possibilities of trading with CO2 emission allowances" EdF Polska
8. 2004 Feasibility study for the project "Modernization of heating plant in Cedynia including renewable energy sources (biomass)" Municipality Cedynia
9. 2004 Study "Modernization program for Heating Plant 'Dojazdowa' in Elbląg with reference to Renewable Energy Sources" EPEC Elbląg
10. 2003 Feasibility study for 2.5 MW Biomass boiler system in Gryfice PEC Gryfice
11. 2003 Energy Audit of the local heating plant in Gryfice PEC Gryfice
12. 2003 Feasibility study for 1.3 MW Biomass boiler system in Aleksandrów Kujawski PEC Aleksandrów Kujawski
13. 2003 Energy Audit of the heating plant and heating network in Aleksandrów Kujawski PEC Aleksandrów Kujawski
14. 2003 Cooling system feasibility study for 2 sites near ul. Elektronowej in Warszawie SPEC-Warszawa
15. 2003 Heating system modernization and feasibility study the City of Sławutycz (Ukraine) - project financed by USAID Kompania ESCO-CENTER
16. 2003 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the Community of Winnica Urząd Gminy Winnica
17. 2003 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the Community of Świercze Urząd Gminy Świercze
18. 2003 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the Community of Pokrzywnica Urząd Gminy Pokrzywnicza
19. 2003 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the Community of Gzy Urząd Gminy Gzy
20. 2002 Feasibility study for modernization and conversion to biomass of existing heating network for 2 apartment blocks in the town of Bielin Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa "Pomoc" w Troszynie
21. 2002 Energy Audit. Draft concept for modernization of steam system in Gdansk ship works facility. Stocznia Północna S.A. w Gdańsku
22. 2002 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the city of Jastarnia. Urząd Miasta Jastarnia
23. 2002 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the Community of Krynica. Urząd Miasta Krynica Górska
24. 2001 Feasibility study for providing steam and water to production lines- AID, AIR and TIW Stomil-Olsztyn S.A.
25. 2002 Feasibility study for the modernization of heating network at pharma company "JELFA" S.A. in Jeleniej Górze". Przedsiębiorstwo "NYSAGAZ"
26. 2001 Concept for utilizing waste heat for the production of chilled water using the newest absorption cooling techniques. OBRC-SPEC Warsaw
27. 2001 Energy Audit and feasibility study for thermo- modernization. Mondi Packaging Świecie
28. 2001 Feasibility study for the installation of Biomass boiler for apartment complex in Świercze Zakład Energetyczny w Płocku
29. 2000 22 separate energy audits of apartment buildings in Konstancin Jeziornej as part of a verification by BGK to substantiate a thermo modernization loan On the basis of these audits the loan was granted in Sept. 2000. Spółdzielnia Lokatorsko-Własnościowa w Konstancinie-Jeziornej
30. 2000 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the city of Zychlin near Lodz. Urząd Gminy i Miasta Żychlin
31. 1999 Modernization Program for technological heating network for the Shipyard Gdynia S.A.. Stocznia Gdynia S.A.
32. 1999 Modernization Program for technological heating network for the Shipyard NAUTA S.A. in Gdynia. Stocznia Remontowa NAUTA S.A.
33. 1999 Master plan for heat, electrical energy and gas fuel supply for the city of Mlawa. Urząd Miasta Mława
34. 1998-1999 Feasibility study for the building of a natural gas fired boiler including feeding and heat distribution concepts. PETROBALTIC and ENERGOBALTIC
35. 1998 Analysis for heating concepts for the eastern port district in Gdynia. Port Gdynia Holding S.A.
36. 1998 Feasibility study for the installation of gas turbine and boilers at commercial heating plant Wejherowo-Nanice. OPEC Gdynia Ltd. oraz Zespół Elektrociepłowni Wybrzeże S.A.
37. 1998 Concept study for modernization of coal fired boiler KT 1702 in Tczew incorporating alternative energy sources. Zakład Energetyki Cieplnej w Tczewie
38. 1998 Plan for modernisation of the district heating system in Maków Mazowiecki Phase III: Feasibility Study ZEC Maków Mazowiecki
39. 1998 Plan for modernisation of the district heating system in Maków Mazowiecki Phase II: Technology implementation ZEC Maków Mazowiecki
40. 1998 Plan for modernisation of the district heating system in Maków Mazowiecki Phase I: inventory ZEC Maków Mazowiecki
41. 1997 Feasibility study for the building of a Electrical gas fired power plant in Żarnowcu. Strefa Ekonomiczna Żarnowiec
42. 1996 Concept for modernization and installation of control systems in heating susbstations in District Heating System Kutno including study of influence of the above actions on heat source performance PEC Kutno