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Year  ActivityClient
2004 2.5 MW Cibet manufactured "Tromatic" Biomass fired boiler system for the City of Gryfice. All design installation and production work done by Cibet. Click here for more information Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej w Gryficach Sp. z o.o.
2003 Design installation and manufacture of a grain drying facility incorporating heating with Cibet's Tromatic 1000kW biomass fired boiler. Stadnina Koni "Bielin" Sp. z o.o.
2002 Babinek municipal middle school boiler modernization and conversion to biomass incorporating Cibet's "Tromatic" 100 boiler model. Urząd Gminy Banie
2002 Modernization and conversion of Zielin/Ranowo Apartment Block heating system to a biomass fired "Tromatic" 300kW boiler Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa "Pomoc" w Troszynie
2002 Modernization and conversion of Bielin Apartment Block heating system to a biomass fired "Tromatic" 300kW boiler. Spółdzielnia Mieszkaniowa "Pomoc" w Troszynie
2001 Modernization and conversion of Bielin Hotel heating system to a biomass fired "Tromatic" 200kW boiler. Stadnina Koni "Bielin" Sp. z o.o.

RENEWABLE ENERGY - Solar collectors

  Year  ActivityClient
2003 Complex design and installation of a solar water heating system for a sports hall in the city of Rewal. 36 solar collectors along with pumps, control system, piping was installed by Cibet. The project was co-financed with funds from SAPARD. Urząd Gminy Rewal