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We started publishing activities by the beginning of the company. We focus on technical and scientific issues important for district heating, industrial plants, various types of valves, pipelines, sealings, etc.

We have published specialized books of our owns and as external order.

Since 1994 till 2005 we published "Ciepłownictwo w Polsce i na Świecie" (District Heating in Poland and worldwide), a 2 months magazine, since November 2003 as "Ekologia, Energie Odnawialne, Ciepłownictwo w Polsce i na świecie" (Ecology, Renewable Energies, District Heating in Poland and worldwide).

In the year 2000 we started a second magazine "Armatura I Rurociągi" (Valves and Pipelines), with 4 issues in a year, that appears till now.

Besides of technical literature we published some popular and scientific and belles-lettres books.

To learn more please visit the corresponding parts of our web-site.